At We Thrive Collective, we specialize in helping job seekers unlock their potential. With over 15 years of expertise in interviewing, coaching, and career development, we provide tailored services, including resume and LinkedIn profile optimization, career coaching, and interview preparation. By staying on top of hiring trends, our mission is to empower you to secure meaningful work and thrive in your career.
Select a package that suit your career
upload and submit our resume worksheet and your documents
Our Experts Get to Work on crafting your career search assets.
Grab your finished resume and achieve your wildest
Choose the service and guidance you need to confidently navigate your career journey and achieve your goals.
An expertly written keyword-optimized resume that sets you apart.
Alignment with roles you're targeting
ATS Optimization
Highlight Key Achievements & Experience
Professional, Polished Formatting
2-4 Business Day Turnaround
In addition to an expertly written, keyword-optimized resume, a recruiter-search-optimized LinkedIn profile makeover with a custom profile banner will have you ready to network.
Alignment with roles you're targeting.
ATS Optimization
Highlight Key Achievement & Experience
Professional Polished Format
Recruiter Search Optimized LinkedIn Profile Makeover
Custom Profile Banner
2-4 Business Day Turnaround
All the features of the Networking Professional package with the addition of a 1 hour Job Search Strategy Zoom call with an Expert Recruitment Strategist.
Alignment with roles you're targeting
ATS Optimization
Highlight Key Achievements & Experience
Professional, Polished Formatting
Recruiter Search Optimized LinkedIn Profile Makeover
Custom Profile Banner
1 hr Job Search Strategy Zoom
2-4 Business Day Turnaround